Leading you to greater awareness about activity, freedom, and life impacting achievements.

At Kinetic, we are unwavering in our pursuit to guide you throughout every step of your movement journey. Part of our process involves arming you with powerful knowledge and resources by way of our Education & Initiatives.
Education – learn, grow, & set your life in motion
Discover more about topics like physical rehabilitation, performance, strength and fitness, and improving your ability to move.
Visit The Kinetic BlogKINETIC KNOW:
We support your educational experiences by hosting guest speakers, offering programs, sponsoring events, and more.
Learn About Kinetic KnowINITIATIVES
where creativity
meets hope & healing
Our Kinetic team maintains a fresh approach to connecting with and improving the lives of others. Our Initiatives are designed to continually offer the opportunity to experience hope and healing.
Alliances & Partnerships
At Kinetic, we welcome opportunities to collaborate with organizations and businesses that share our Mission and Values to advance the health of the body and mind, making a greater impact on our surrounding communities.
Kinetic Education & Initiatives Down the Road
Keep checking back, or join our mailing list for upcoming programs and events.